Here are the key steps we’ll take together to realize your home:



Digging deeply into your needs, aspirations, and available resources, while developing an intimate familiarity and respect for your chosen site – as well as, the larger social community and physical environment.


Taking time to fully absorb what has been gathered – to understand what your situation "wants to be" -- it's higher nature or spiritual essence. Without this, design is simply problem-solving, producing a house without a soul.



Hatching ideas and testing options for manifesting the essence of your project. Using sketches and models, we arrive at a concept design with an overall form and layout that works together as a whole.


Bringing together a selection of materials and technologies that enable the design ideas to really resonate -- achieving a sensual intimacy and intuitive functionality that feels right for who you are.



Creating the detailed technical drawings and specifications needed to obtain municipal approvals and enable a builder to accurately price and understand the details of what will be necessary to construct your home.


Finding the builder, trade specialists and suppliers who are right for your project. Properly vetting qualifications, bids and contracts to complete the team necessary to fully realize your dream.

Architect showing new apartment plan to couple at meeting
The structure of wood framing at construction site against a vast cloudy sky with bright sun behind.


Actively engaging with you and the builder throughout construction to assure that the outcome exceeds your expectations. When everything is completed, and you're handed the keys, we can all toast to your new home!

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